Wednesday 12 October 2011

TV Show – Prime Suspect – S01E01

Based on a british show of the same name Prime Suspect is being brought to us by Alexandra Cunningham and Peter Berg, most notably from desperate housewives and Friday Night Lights respectively. The original series was made in 1991, so my real fear here is that this series will feel out of date already.

Detective Jane Timoney (Maria Bello) is the only female detective in a police station ran like a boys club. She has been past over for assignments as the lead detective and gets given low level arrends to run and grunt work instead. When one of the detectives has a heart attack she sees her opportunity, finally convincing the lieutenant (Aidan Quinn) to give her the lead – much to the hatred of the other detectives. She dives into the case and proves everyone wrong in picking a new prime suspect for the series of rapes that are occuring throughout the city. Jane is portrayed as the only detective that can tie her own shoes, with the others missing key information from witnesses. To me this makes the whole thing a long feminist rant, the men are usless and stuck in their ways while the female is all powerfull and can solve crimes. The ideas and story are nothing new, and although some people may still need reminding that neither sex is best, there are better things to put on TV or at least it could be at the forefront of the movement and show that not only can women do anything a man can, but that men and women can actually co-exist in a work environment. Feminists will fund projects like this for years to come so I don’t expect it to leave the screen just yet. But I wont be watching when it does stop, because I already have.

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