Wednesday 12 October 2011

OMG first comment!!!1one

I always see ‘OMG first comment’ on youtube videos and a few things about it bug me. First, why state the obvious? I can see that you are the first to comment, why do i need to be notified also? Second, ‘OMG first comment’ is not a comment. Bertrand Russell may wish to formulate a paradox from it, but in my eyes not a comment. Third, sometimes its not even the first comment, there are infact two people at the same time trying to point out that they are the first to comment, with something that isn’t a comment. then not only does the commenter have no rational reason to write it but is also lying. Forth, who cares if you’re first? Is it a trophy? Do you feel that becasue you are the first to comment that you are somehow part of the video and can claim to e the first to have seen it? No, you’re just the first to comment. If you are the first to view, first to comment, and payed more than 51% of the production costs then you can boast. Till then shut it.

Well, didn’t mean any of that I just saw my ill chosen first title and couldn’t stop. Except to check the spelling of a few things. Although this is the first entry and as such the first thing to be bumped from the page. I doubt anyone will read, but still i write on. I will be updateing this site everytime i watch a TV show or movie. And at the end of a season i will try to conclude some thoughts about the shows. I can not boast to have any inside knowledge or know anything about ratings. All i can do is watch and say if i think there should be more like it or if it needs to burn.

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