Friday 14 October 2011

TV Show - Person of Interest - S01E02

An odd mixture of paranoia and worthlessness as the government know every phone call, camera and email of everyone in the country - yet do not care enough to try and prevent all the crimes. Yet Finch and Reese do care about these crimes and in this episode they get the number of a girl that has been dead for 2 years. While detective Carter is busy being stonewalled by the feds in her persuit of the man in the suit, Reese uses his dirty cop contact to track down the people responsible for killing the family of the girl and why they are interested in her still. The episode is very much more of the same, we learn a little about the past of Mr. Finch but there is no multi episode or season story arc. I think that the lack of a background or root story will be a real hinderance to the show as providing an 'endgame' for the characters allows the audience to hope for the characters beyond the 40 each week.

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