Wednesday 19 October 2011

TV Show - Man Up - S01E01

The world needs a solution to the current economic crisis. What the world does not need is another comedy about the stereotypes of men - a sentiment Christopher Moynihan does not share.

Man Up is a story about three men that try and get in touch with their inner real man. There is Will, father of two that is obedient of his wifes instructions, Craig a guy that is still hung up on an old girlfriend - crashing her wedding in the pilot and Kenny a child like guy that is also hung up on his old girlfriend - only his old girlfriend is best friends with Will's husband, who is also Kenny's sister. The concept has been done before and better, but still here we are. It can be funny to watch guys that try and be something they aren't but why does it have to be so stereotypical? Why is it not better that men now prefer pomegranate body wash to war? If the show was about power in a relationship instead of am I a man? then the show might do better, at least in my books. There are like 2 funny lines but the rest is a waste of 20 mins. Disagree?

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